Am I a Gosple Musician?
Most often you hear people debate as to whether it is right for some people to use their talent “unprofitably” as they put it, to give or write lyrics they deem as satanic and not “godly” to serve our maker and creator.
Most often they say that these songs do not praise God but rather the world (the flesh) , some also say that such music that do not proclaim the name of God are inspired by Satan and he uses such musicians to chant out demons and spirit that will destroy the individual who listens to such songs.
This claim which is often propagated by so called religious folks is really disturbing to freedom of speech, association, ability to accept and appreciate different way of life and most importantly creativity and talents. I believe it is only a “weak brain” that will accept these notions and not only the Religious community but anywhere on this planet and as I always put “weak brains are at work but can’t convince”
Most often it is circular music and artist they attack consciously or unconsciously to sell this unwholesome messages to their unsuspecting victims. I once heard such massages which ended by saying that hip pop artist such as 5o cent, Snoop Dogg as selling their soul to Satan and Jay Z as selling their souls to Satan in order to be rich and their mission is to destroy people with the song the y write and sing.
If even that is the case, my question is are gospel musicians living up to expectations and what will this world be without creative works from such artist who have been condemned by these religious folks. They are creatives, they make legitimate money from their work and create beats that runs deep into the hearts of their listeners and nobody can convince me that songs from such artists are satanic.
Anyway, let bring the gospel musicians back into the fray again. In the context of the Ghanaian Gospel musician some of them are pathetic! Boring to listen to and there is no subject matter in their song. Some of them swing with the name of God and Jesus in every line of their song stitched with headaches, neck pains and poverty all in the name of giving hope to listeners.
I believe in God, and trust in him but with these kinds of themes of these Gospel musicians, I bet to differ. May be I should start stitching and mentioning the name of God then get a weak brain to mix my song and viola I am a Gospel musician.
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