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“Thought it was worth a try, but if I want to nail a plastic bag I could get a free one from the grocery store plus I can’t imagine anyone Cumming in that thing”. This was among the thoughts of respondents who reviewed the female condom. The above comment summaries why the usage of the female condom since its inception has been so unpopular with both men and women especially in this country. 

I am not surprised at all with the comment. Why? Well I happen to pop-up on a female condom recently and was really astonished at the size of that latex. It’s said that there are various size of the female condoms in town but women who have given birth before are advice to go for the larger ones. Voila! So most pharmacy in town just decide to go for the large ones for the Ghanaian public. So imagine a lady  who is small in size insert a larger condom in there and his partner who is average size just jump the train and realize the  motion of the train keeps making strange uncomfortable noise in the course of the crusade. What should he do?

The idea behind the introduction of the female condom is laudable and creative but manufacturers should have known better that although women love sex, men have more drive for that activity and hence providing a product that will kill the mood for most men and women is a disservice unless something is done to address it.

The female condom is a nitrile sheath or pouch 17cm (6.7 inches) in length. At each end there is a flexible ring, at closed ends of the sheath, the flexible sheath is inserted into the vagina to hold the female condom in place. The other end of the sheath stays outside the vulva at the entrance of the vagina. This ring act as passage for penetration.

I have had lot of conversation with ladies concerning the female condom and the response is very mutual. Most prefer to have their partner wear the male condoms for at least the male condom fits and thin in lining especially when penetration take place. It is believed that one out of four sexually active females have use the female condom while the male condom is by far the preferred contraceptive in the country.

For the first time in many years the Gay debate is shifting from being a religion, human right, among others to more of a common sense approach. President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria has sent a sarcastic message of “Good Luck” to the Gay community in Nigeria after assenting to an anti-gay bill into law defying western powers and American pressure.

The bill which contains penalties of up to 14years in prison and bans gay marriage, same sex “amorous relationship and membership of gay rights groups, was passed by national assembly last May but Jonathan delayed the signing until now. Probably he could not find the right pen for such activity.

 I am not going to play the religion, western culture or African culture in this gayism debate going on the in world. I will try my best to go the common sense approach. First of all, some human right advocate have consistently played the evolution of human sexual orientation saying that sexuality evolves and therefore, we find ourselves in the an era of such evolvement. That is really crap isn’t it? The question is who defines evolution of sexuality, are they saying that since sexuality evolves we should clap and sing for those who happen to be the first to evolve  and very soon we should brace ourselves to see our children hump and put their penis into dogs, chicken, cats and rats in the name of sexuality evolvement or evolution?

Secondly, the religious folks on the other hands have for many centuries played the cards of a commandment issued to a special society by their God. The religion of the society caught up fire with everyone and most religion stand firm against any alternative sexual orientation even there are conservative sexual positions that should not be deviated from. For the religious folks how many written conventions haven’t been discarded in the name of change of time? Was it not written to forbid women from taking leading roles in the Church for example but today we have women playing active roles in the church.  Who are we to judge who is a sinner and what is sin? Who are we to condemn others actions? Who are we to decide what is holy in the sight of God? I thought our God looks at the heart? How can we Judge anyone for going against our religion when they are not members of our religion or do not believe or ascribe to our religion? Did religion not persecute science for predicting that the world was spherical? Did religion not condone slavery? Did religion not kill or bomb innocent life in the name of religion promos? Have our God not seen the good and worse in men? Is our God not loving? Did our God not order us to love our neighbor as ourselves?

In my opinion there must be something wrong with the religion card in this context for religion is built on faith so let it be. I will at this point quote the words of Pope Francis when he said “How can we proclaim Christ to a generation that is changing? We must be careful not to administer a vaccine against faith to them (gays and children with gay parents). To continue, the Pope has also been quoted saying “If someone who is gay and is sincerely seeking God who am I to judge?” In my opinion the Pope is not condoning the act but what he is saying is that everyone has a right to seek Christ and we must love our brothers as ourselves.

Now the political card is being champion by the West and America. Ironically, the Americans have many states of their country putting laws in place to persecute gays and tighten their laws but their central government have the gut to dictate what other countries should do. For the West and especially Britain they are just laughable considering the fact that their political power or weight since the defeat of colonialism has been weighing down the ladder so like a parasite clinch onto the United States for attention.

U.S secretary of state John Kerry said the United States was deeply concern by the new law in Nigeria. “Beyond even prohibiting same sex marriage, this law dangerously restrict freedom of assembly and expression for all Nigerians” he is quoted as saying but this not true, the law does not restrict all Nigerians. Did Kerry really get the memo? The hypocrisy of Kerry’s statement is that he cannot say the same things he said without choking to Saudi-Arabia or any of the Gulf States.

What is democracy if the rule or law of the majority cannot be respected and protected at the same time the safe keeping of the fiber of the society cannot be protected?
If my common sense approach, I will say we should love our neighbor as ourselves.  If you are a gay living in a society that forbid and despises your conduct and you still cannot assimilate into that community I will advise that you move to a country, city, state that will accommodate you. It’s as simple as that. For countries who claim their culture and religion does not warrant them to accept homosexuality, I urge that they brace themselves for homosexuals are not going to escape to mars. They are part and members of our country, state, village, brothers, and sisters. Aunties, co-workers, friends among others. I don’t in honest think we should despises, abuse and infringe on their right as any other citizen after all they have human dignity. Example, why should we prevent health care to gays? We can stick to our religion, cultural values among others without condemning others who are not with us in the same boat. Can’t we?

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