Forever! Is an interesting new series about the life of Henry Morgan who cannot die. Through some kind of accident the man who claim to be a student of death have lived for hundreds of years. His adopted child Abraham is 65years and have been by his father who has a body shape of a 35year old man. Henry since he discovered he cheats on death have for years tried to understand his state and purpose and for that reason has been finding answers about the human body by working as a grave digger and a staff pathologist at the morgue (his current job)
Interestingly, the story tries to show viewers the relationship that exist between Abraham and Henry. To make things sassier the script writers throws in Adam apparently a man who has out lived more than Henry and is stalking Henry. What does Adam want? We really would not know since these are early days.
Interestingly, the story tries to show viewers the relationship that exist between Abraham and Henry. To make things sassier the script writers throws in Adam apparently a man who has out lived more than Henry and is stalking Henry. What does Adam want? We really would not know since these are early days.
What makes Forever, interesting is the consistent subject matter of the human body and death, tweaked with a daily or weekly assignments of murder and homicide cases. At a point I felt I was watching the elementary and at a point too it became boring how Henry somehow accidentally finds himself dead. Forever, will surely make a big impact on first time viewers and if the story of Adam and Henry clash then the stage will really be set for a show down.
Before Batman, there was Gotham!
The story of what Gotham was before the joker, batman and the penguin will definitely catch the eyes and that is exactly what the writers of Gotham have done with this new series. The story was developed around little Bruce Wayne and a rookie officer who gets doped into the politics of dirt cops which again is not surprising. But I like the way, they are developing the famous and infamous villains in the batman franchise.
The first episode is stunning and will like to see what actually happened to little Bruce Wayne.
Person of interest is back and the fourth season is already showing prospect of being a kickass.
Samaritan seem to know that the team of finch, Reese, Root are alive but seem not to know how. I think it will be interesting if Samaritan figures out that it has been blinded when it comes to the team. Interestingly too, now the team has new devices to play with. New mobile telecommunication network.
Another thing to watch is Samaritans wish of eliminating competitors in the artificial intelligence sector. Samaritan want be the only kid on the blog and will do anything to stop any competition or anyone who can cause it problems.
The team just like in “tomorrow people” are hiding somewhere at the subway away from the eyes and ears of Samaritan. Interesting times lie ahead.
What to watch out for will be the relationship between root and finch, Shaw and Romeo and the relationship between Reese and Fusco now that the latter is part of the narcotics department and what of Samaritans operatives and even to throw in a bug, what will happen should Samaritan be aware of northern light (finch’s machine) plus what will happen if Samaritan decide one day to eliminate Greer. Greer is the admin for Samaritan but we all know how powerful Samaritan can be.
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