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For many Forex traders across the world volatility of the market is what everyone thrive on and it’s what fuels the gains and sometimes the hefty loses suffered. So it was much expected that the market in the euro zone will see some waves as negotiation got underway between Britain and the E.U.

On Friday when speculation started making waves on the Forex world that a deal has fallen massive fear gripped traders who started going short on the sterling until it stabilized when an actual deal was announced by Cameron detailing an upcoming referendum in the U.K to decide whether to divorce the European Union in June.

On Sunday, London Mayor with a “bladder mouth” announced that he was supporting the “leave” campaign, dealing a blow to Cameron’s “stronger together” campaign. After Mayor Boris “bladder mouth” speech, the sterling fell the most as at 11:00 GMT when this article was being drafted, the GBP was receiving some beating from major currencies in the market dropping 1.69% at 1.4164, GBP also fell to the JPY at 1.22% to 160.30.

With the upcoming referendum, it’s been estimated that the GBP will lose some grounds to majors in the market as latest polls show that many Britons want the U.K to leave the E.U, if that wish become a reality the Euro will be weakened. The euro has not been its self since the issue of the migration became a hot topic and its estimated that the euro will have some shocks if an uplift is not seen by march.

Now what do we value most, privacy or security a question that is being debated as the war between Apple and the FBI continues. The underlining issue in this complicated fight over control is trust.
Apple have been swift to decline a court order to aid the FBI unlock a phone used by a terrorist. Tim Cook the CEO of Apple defended its stands saying “compromising the security of our personal information can ultimately put our personal safety at risk”. What Apple meant by this statement is in two folds. 

The first one is that the moment they create a backdoor into their own system to allow the FBI do what they want, they have created precedence for all countries in the world to ask for that access in the name of national security as well, hacker will also be able to temper the system for good or bad reasons. You and I will be at the mercy of Hackers and “national security”.

The second is more of marketing and money issue. Many phone users since the announcement from apple have reinstated apple as the most secured phone that even the FBI with all its resource (tech and man power) combined are unable to enter the phone. This means better marketing and more money for the iPhone brand.

The FBI on the other hand has argued that they are not seeking a “superkey” that would unlock all phones but rather they want to be able to re-program a specific phone with a court order at hand so that they can guess the passcode without all data being lost after 10 failed attempt. Once the software is changed, law enforcement computers will force that particular phone with various combinations to open without he loss of date.

As it stands the argument is pure semantics because creating a software to defeat the "autowipe" feature on the iPhone and allowing a code hack is as effective as the same thing as creating a super key. This is because only time will then decide when the phone can be unlocked without the data on it being lost forever.

If Apple is able to win this fight which I believe they will with some compromise the question is are we ready to accept and deal with the consequences of the decision?

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