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Well its 2014 can I hear hurray? Many and am no exception have new year resolutions. I love them and love it especially when its coming from myself. Some skeptics have resolve to ridicule new year resolutions and its no fault of theirs because  they have their own opinion to banter with . For such many people, they believe nothing will actually change in the lives of many only of course the dates of the calender. Do you agree? Any-who, I miss all of you and so does the blog. for those who called to lift my spirit and those who asked to be contributors on the blog I say thanks to you all. We are growing a mustard and your love is what will keep it growing.

For those of you who called me only to complain that I don't give you much attention. I say grow up! If I don't call you and you miss me . what prevent you from picking the damn phone and hallo me because for all you know I might have lost your number.

Now back to business, yesterday some journalists had the opportunity to interact with the President of the land. They where given the mandate to ask anything from Akosombo to Merchant bank to Dubai all in the name of accountable governance. I must say it was very very interesting . First of all some of the questions where really shocking while others were quiet good . Some just made you wonder and shout  " what the f***". For example , if you ask a President whether he is still a social democrat. it makes me wonder if you actually expect a different answer when the President is from a party that hail that status-quo. If you ask the President whether you the journalist should use a draft report or a final report because you subjectively think the final report has been watered down then it makes me wonder if you are after truth or speculation.

In all, it was a good exercise although I expected to see more senior journalist there. It was nice to see Gina Blay looking health and strong. I did like her question too. Huh, Huh! Who is a senior journalist? Who qualify and what are the criteria? Is it the one who has the most listeners on radio because the media house he or she works for have large following? Anyway that is for another day.

The President at a point was answering the questions like he was walking in the park with his dog. He answered every question with no sweat at all. Its either he was on top of the issues or the questions were really accurately anticipated. Previous Presidents would sometimes call on their Ministers for help, but no sir, not this President and even-though the questions where questionable the manner in which he controlled himself made him more sincere.

 For, the technology nerd and video game crack-heads out there like myself, 2014 already is smiling on us. Well the best news so far is that PlayStation will soon allow subscribers to play some of the platform's greatest hits without the need to own a console.It works by streaming data from the company's servers. The firm's latest smart TVs will be among the first devices to support it, but Sony also intends to offer the facility to other third-party products.Isn't that great, huh?

Sony said it would launch a restricted test of the service in the US later this month before a wider launch in the summer.It has not provided details of plans for other markets yet or information of which smartphone and table platforms will be the first to get apps to run the facility. The announcement was made at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The new facility is based on technology developed by Gaikai, a cloud gaming start-up that the Japanese firm acquired for $380m (£232m) in 2012. Its rival Samsung had previously announced plans to partner with the firm to let its TVs offer games. Sony said the service would also allow its new PlayStation 4 console to run titles from the PS3's library.

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