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Dear Mr. Tekper,

How’s it going? I only ask because you started work as the perfect gentleman who will bring more money into our pocket and save our economy as the Finance Minister of our beloved nation but well there aren’t money in our pocket plus the economy looks like a voodoo doll too.

I’ve notice that on most occasions you are said to be very plain and skeletal in your assessment of the economy which causes some of your friends like Mahama Ayariga diarrhea. The man says you are too much of a Christian to be Christ like with the economic figures. As for me I understand, after all, you are a church elder. abi?

Last time, I saw you on Kwesi Pratt show “Hot issue” but I was not happy not because of your submissions but rather because of the colour of your socks and how long it stretched almost to your knee coupled with the fact that the chair on that set is terrible. Seriously sir, Is it possible you’ve grown bored with the project of injecting life into our pale looking economy? I certainly would understand that. I’ve got more than a few half-finished articles sitting in my desk thanks to dumsor dumsor which you will say it’s not your fault so I won’t even go into that.

Regardless, I just want you to know that I am rooting for you to complete your Herculean task of fixing our voodoo economy and cut the ribbon on what will undoubtedly be a meaningless effort if we don’t for once stop the talking and do the walking by transforming the structure of our economy.

Well I know you can’t change the structure of our economy and nobody will regardless of all the bookish people we have in this country have to say. Talk is cheap and in Ghana it is cheapest. Do I think the opposition can do better? Tweaaaaa they would be worse, so what do we do? Well for starters cut the life out of the stupid and foolish Economic Partnership Agreement then encourage more of the youth into the service industry for after all the service industry has overtaken manufacturing sector.

Don’t force anybody to go and weed and farm. Let them decide and have the love for it, for it is with their love and passion that will drive success. Put in place reforms that will protect our local industry against the foreign ones wai.  My laptop is running out of battery because there is no light so I will end here.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Yours sincerely
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Caleb Eghan

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