HENRY THE STUDENT OF DEATH 8:02 AM FOREVER – HENRY THE STUDENT OF DEATH Forever! Is an interesting new series about the life of Henry Morgan who cannot die. Through some...Read More
UNDATEABLE REVIEW S01E01: WHY SOME MEN DON’T GET LAID! 6:51 PM When I read the tweet from NBC on my timeline of the premier of undateable I was excited because the title tells the show would be grea...Read More
DEAR MR TEKPER 8:41 AM Dear Mr. Tekper, How’s it going? I only ask because you started work as the perfect gentleman who will bring more money into our pocket ...Read More
FEMALE CONDOM HOODOO AND “GOOD LUCK” FROM NIGERIA TO GAYS 6:49 PM “Thought it was worth a try, but if I want to nail a plastic bag I could get a free one from the grocery store plus I can’t imagine any...Read More
MAHAMA'S FIELD DAY, GAME FREE CONSOLE AND THE SKEPTICS 2014 2:15 PMWell its 2014 can I hear hurray? Many and am no exception have new year resolutions. I love them and love it especially when its coming from...Read More