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There are many at times that we seem to forget who we truly are. We seem to always wonder what we are going to do and how we will move like a flying missile into the dream that seem to fading right at our faces. “Bloody hell, son of a .......” And we ask our self why are we here and what is the possibility of getting it right.

Gbovuga!  the Christ mask, oh  sorry I should have said Christmas before some religious mogul starts painting his monitor with anointed urine in disgust. Anyway, is it not a Christ mask than the recommended? We always seem to show so much affection for the poor and the under-privilege during these ritual days. The smiles and food suddenly become abundant that we can afford to shower some flakes at our neighbour and wish him more feminine lust and love in the name of “let all your wishes come true”.

True indeed, if wishes were like the mustard tree then we all won’t be in the dilemmas we face each day trying to ensure that friends and families are safe and the economic situation in our bank wallet get purged from the red. A friend of my during the festive season looked deep into his ten year old son and said “son you are old to be pissing in your bed each night. I wish that all your troubles of waking up in the night to pea is for gone” Then suddenly, on the new year eve the young chap like Rambo in Vietnam massacred his bed with so much metabolic urine that the old man couldn’t sleep.

Gbovuga! I don’t know about you but I want to ask a harmless question. How did you treat your dog this Christmas? Were they happy and did you realize any change in the manner they barked at night? Well, while I was getting my swagger on during the Christmas and I seem to have forgotten about my three dogs: Hope, Defender and Whisky. And boy these lovely dogs can make any Godzilla night rider run for his life if  he dare come close to my wooden structured gate I call a fortress. Our pets are important too Gbovuga. My three dogs decided to ensure that they got a fair share of the Christmas red fowl. They virtually went on strike and refuse to even meet me and fond me as they do whenever I was coming home. So you see the little details count. Even the dogs are looking for love.

Gbovuga! Have you realized a strange phenomenon draught that has hit the Russian billionaire’s football club? The team which is said to be the imperialist queen’s pensioners favourite seems to have hit the full stop mark in their quest to regain the Holy Grail. The team which boosts of Africa kings of the rubber scrota with a premature bloated followings all because of Michael Essien also known as the bison, Didier Drogba and Salomon Kalou has all of sudden lot their charging system.

If it is true that that football club plays very well when Drogba plays well then I think I have the reason to their problem and it lies on the foot steps of Laurent Gbagbo. Laurent Gbagbo continues to defy all the pressures and insist he is the president of Ivory Coast. His action which is described as the new face of coup d’état by many is quite amazing because at a point I was among the few who where very proud of the man for allowing election to take place.

By his narrow-mindedness, Gbagbo has handed Ivoirians a hideous concoction of blood and vinegar for Christmas as a learned friend put it but has also consciously or unconsciously handed Chelsea faithful  a great deal of pain as Didier Drogba seem to be affected by what his going on  at home.
How can the last season top goal scorer play happily and celebrate when his boyhood friends are anxious looking for the light that shines in the darkest places as the country has been put under the eclipse by the “mumu” Gbagbo. Drogba is not a footballer alone unlike his fellow football mates from that country. He is an ambassador who is respected and plays a key role in the happiness of the citizens. Whether we admit it or not Gbagbo has become a virus and has plagued Drogba with a ‘fear ror’ foot.
Laurent Gbagbo who has lost the election in La Cote D’Ivoire after ten years in power  would rather see his country go up in blood and smoke than leave office. Already about 50 of his compatriots have been killed in post-election violence, hundreds of Ivoirians are pouring out across the country’s borders.
Gbovuga, how do we treat the Gbagbo virus? Should we allow the 10,000 UN troops in that country to take the guy out knowing that the casualties would be too high to contemplate or should we let Ouattara share power with Gbagbo? It is the only rational approach to a solution but that would be endorsing a coup d’état and giving the Mugabe virus free range across all future elections on the continent. This Gbagbo virus is more than a Trojan.

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