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When is the right time to adopt social media? This is one of the questions I often find myself answering in the course of my work.

Social media has become a large part of the way many Ghanaian organizations are doing business but for a few. New positions, even new functions, have emerged and traditional roles in sales and marketing have been entirely transformed.

Managers are aware that their customers and prospects are just a computer or a touchscreen away, and if they utilize social media correctly, they would have more access to them than ever before.

For some managers, they are haunted as to when to start adopting social media and how to integrate it into their marketing efforts. The truth is, as much as every business can be online or do social media it demands a certain decorum to adopt it and do it well. Example knowing your goals, mission, target audience among others and most importantly having a sound strategy to develop a close relationship with your audience.

In an article, recently published we delved deep in discussing 8 signs that should signal its time to hire a digital marketing agency. Timing is important in the decision-making process.

If you see these signs then it is obviously time to adopt social media. You should adopt social media marketing when;

Sales take a nose-dive

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One of the holy-grails when it comes to marketing is, growing consistent customer base and product or service evangelist. Customers are obviously the reason why your business exists in the first place, therefore, the more you have the better. If your sales are decreasing, it could be as a result of your mediocre marketing efforts. Yes, you might improve your image or increase brand reach, what matters most to your boss or you is the return on investments (ROI). 

You have no online presence

Photo Credit: Hootsuite

Thanks to the internet age, the way we consume product and services have changed. Today, before a customer makes that call to talk to you chances are they have done their research on you, your product or alternatives that will solve their needs. There are more people online searching for help that your services provide than you can ever imagine.

Facebook alone has over 4 million users in Ghana. Whatsapp is currently the most used social app in Ghana, Google shows that 97 percent of consumers use the web to connect to local businesses. More reason it is about time you adopt social media!

In summary, there are many signs that can tell you its time but this two important signs should never be overlooked. I believe these major signs will help you make the right decision in growing your business.

If you’re ready to adopt social media marketing as part of your marketing effort, then, you should look out for the best before you hire. In addition, I will recommend you work with a digital marketing agency to help attract the right customers and reach your target audience online. 

Your Turn,

When did you start adopting a social media marketing? What challenges did you face when you started social media marketing? Would you try social media as part of your marketing efforts? When should you adopt social media marketing? Your views and comments are welcome. Let get the conversation going.

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