Ghana and indeed Africa have been given the boost to breathe a sigh of relief. It has been revealed that after 30 years of vigorous policies to reduce and possibly eradicate HIV/AIDS now, there are signs that Ghana as a country and indeed Africa is massaging the right areas in the fight against this deadly disease.
Gbovuga let the flood gate of laughter be widely opened as we yet again celebrate a positive story under the reign of the great umbrella lead by the ever positive and purposeful leader. From what I gather Gbovuga, Ghana is among the 29 other African countries to have been able to reduce prevalence of HIV/AIDS over the past decade.
According to statistics, Ghana’s HIV prevalence rate has declined over the past eight years from a national high of 3.6% in 2003 to 1.5% in 2010. Prevalence among persons between 15-24 years has equally reduced from 3.5% in 2003 to 1.5% in 2010 approximately 50 per cent reduction. Gbovuga that is really welcome news, don’t you agree?
This is the kind of story I love to hear everyday being discussed and debated to educate the public about this deadly disease. The point is to reduce it even further and not who is sleeping with whom and where such boning is taking place
Now, the placing of the National AIDS Commission directly under the office of the President should be applauded as it is yielding the modest achievement so far. It ensures that the Commission has full attention of government in the drafting of policies. An example, Gbovuga, is the policy dubbed “Towards Universal Access- Ghana’s Comprehensive Antiretroviral therapy plan” which is helping prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child.
Gbovuga, you always say that just as good news can carry weight so can bad news equally carry tremendous loads of problems. Just when we celebrate the marvelous achievement of reduction in HIV/AIDS prevalence appears the ugly head of gay men and women in our society.
Gbovuga, gay o! And I know you must be shocked as I am. There is a new but old wind blowing that is at least to their agitators. According to gay activists, their membership appears to be increasing particularly in some regions in the country. Can this really be true? Is it not the old trick of generalising a liar to make it the truth to influence perception of the public?
For me I will not be wag-up on it a bit not even a fro. You ask why? This Gay debate was started by their lawyers, doctors and some respectable personalities telling us that it is ones personal valid valued choice to choose which sexual orientation to prefer. Then suddenly they and their scientist are telling us that it could be natural. Meaning some gay dudes are given that instinct naturally from birth. Damn! This is to temper the negative publicity they seem to receive everywhere the debate is raised or?
What are their defenses? These fights for recognition from these groups of people who want to infest our mind with the idea that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon than an immoral practice. They strongly argue by making references to history books telling us that great men of our time and centuries are or were gay. Prominent on the list include Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Tchaikovsky, Oscar Wilde, Elton John, Ellen DeGeneres and the list goes on and on Gbovuga.
The question is who cares? This is because we can make mention of great men of history as being straight men and women and this is my own list and they include; Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela, Oprah, among others. We are born naked but can any of us go out naked and say it is natural instinct to go naked? Your guess is as good as mine, Gbovuga.
Now some experts are telling the world that homosexuality cannot permanently be changed through therapy or other means. Although bisexuals have some degree of choice, their outward behaviour may be motivated more by a desire to please family and friends and conform to cultural norms than by their true sexual orientation as expressed in their dreams and fantasies.
It is believed that in Ghana most gay men are bisexual that is they are men who sleep with both men and women. It is roughly estimated that about 65 per cent of these men are married and some even have kids. Doesn’t this pose a threat considering the fact that the exposure to infected blood and sexual intercourse with an infected HIV/AIDS person spreads the disease than any other, Gbovuga?
Gbovuga, I believe society shapes the lives of it people and what the general society decides on as a taboo, norm and culture should be respected by all or by the majority. Therefore, if our society is clearly against homosexuality or gays so be it but not let other society or foreigners or the things we watch on our cable televisions stop us from upholding what makes our society what it is.
Gbovuga, should homosexuality be push under our throat for acceptance or should we continue to criminalise gay and all it forms for the general good of the society? See you next week
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