T B Joshua must be doing a lot of intelligence gathering works. isn't he? poking and scooping out information all over the place without clear details. The man of God from a country where corruption, terrorist groups seem to be having a field day has warned two west African countries of a potential terrorist attack. Who are these countries and for what reason will they attack them? T B Joshua says he knows the countries names but will not mention them. Really? that is some information don't you think. huh?
The intelligence office where T B Joshua got his information just asked him to pray and fast with his congregation. Telling the world in a television broadcast which he own. According to the Senior Prophet “…you should join me and fast on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Not that I don’t know these two countries. God has shown me these two countries but I'm not here to mention any country but it is (Legislative) Assembly this time they are targeting…so two countries in West Africa. We pray fervently that God would cancel their plans”. Please let us shout Amen! We have a man who can do the work of security analysis in West Africa better.
He further disclosed that an attack was supposed to have taken place over the last week and was therefore grateful to God that nothing of the sort happened in the West-African sub-region, in that time frame,“…I woke up this morning and said thank you Jesus. People never knew why thank you, thank you, Jesus. Because one is supposed to happen before the end of this (week) but the week is over now. So you would have learnt that another one just like what happened in Kenya happened in West-Africa”.
“...after prayer, prayer, God said, tell your people I said Monday, Tuesday and Friday, they should pray. That, they should observe these three days with prayer,” he revealed to church members in Lagos, Nigeria.
The prediction of T B Joshua strangely comes in the wake of a security alert issued by the British government to its citizens in Ghana of a possible terrorist attack due to Ghana’s involvement in a military operation in Mali and sudden bloody attack by Al-Shabbab, an Islamic militant group based in Somalia on the Westgate Shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, which lead to the death of over 90 people, two weeks ago.
The strange thing is his refusal to mention names of the countries and the timing of the prophecy. Do I believe in what TB Joshua has said ? My answer is definitely not. I don't believe an iota of what he said. We live in a time where so called men of God feed people with fear to make themselves popular. Do you remember how it became public that TB Joshua predicted the death of Micheal Jackson and that the pop king refused the advise of TB Joshua, before he died? The question I always ask is why do this men of God wait for the event to occur then tell us they have or saw it?
Going by the intelligence of TB Joshua, all of us can be prophets. If armed robbers attack my neighbourhood and then I tell a friend that my heart is heavy that they may also be attacked. Is that strange? As a country, do we know we can be attacked? The answer is yes? Do we have the capability to handle such an attack? I say yes! So do we need a pastor to tell us we could be attacked? Definitely No!
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