There are many a time that we seem to forget who we truly are. We seem to wonder what we are going to do and how we will move like a flying missile into the dream that seem to fading right at our faces. And we ask our self why are we here and what is the possibility of getting it right?
True indeed, if wishes were like the mustard tree then we all won’t be in the dilemmas we face each day trying to ensure that friends and families are safe.
The recent reports on armed robbers and their ill activities are really getting on my nerves Gbovuga. A day hardly goes by without you hearing about people or passengers travelling on Youtong buses are being robbed of their possessions. For some time now such reports of armed robbery was becoming scares and after Ghanaians were becoming comfortable and having a sigh of relief from armed robbery, the atmosphere has suddenly changed again. Are the armed robbers back from leave?
A friend of my during the festive season looked deep into his ten year old son and said “son you are too old to be pissing in your bed each night. I wish that all your troubles of waking up in the night to pea is for gone”
Then suddenly, on the New Year eve the young chap like Rambo in Vietnam massacred his bed with so much metabolic that the old man couldn’t sleep. That seems to be the situation with our nation’s security forces and robbery.
Gbovuga! I don’t know about you but I want to ask a harmless question. Do you have a dog? How do you treat your dogs? Are they happy and have you realize any changes in the manner they bark at night?
I will advise that you get yourself one or two if you don’t have and please get yourself the phone lines of the police because I got the sense that it going to be a long month with lots of reports on armed robbery activities.
I have beefed-up my security with three dogs namely Hope, Defender and Whisky. And boy these lovely dogs can make any Godzilla night rider run for his life if he dare come close to my wooden structured gate I call a fortress.
I vehemently trust our police administration is up to the task of arresting these bad nuts within our society.
It seem to be a ritual that such each year gets a season where crime rises and that must not be so at all.
Gbovu, I hear some arrest have been made and it is my hope that those arrested by the police would lead the police to arrest the brains behind these armed robberies and create a peaceful atmosphere.
Gbovuga, are you on any of the social media site? I am on a couple of them with twitter and facebook my favourite. It seems we are never going to get enough of social media networks as they have become part of our daily life.
Gbovu, social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example, share interests and activities.
Gbovu, the competition that is emanating from social media is really interesting as Google have launched their social media site named Google plus or simply put g+. For the past week I have been surfing the site and I must admit that I was impressed with the graphics.
Although, many Ghanaians don’t have invites to g+. And I am still trying to figure out why I would need g+.
It is highly speculative to talk about the future of the brand on the Ghanaian market with twitter and facebook having a large chunk of Ghanaian social network followers.
I wonder what impact Google plus will make or come out with, to convince some of us that it is a better alternative to Facebook or twitter. Gbovu, there have been many social network site that emerged onto the Ghanaian market but just after some few years they are literally dead and gone. Gbovu, people just left and joined facebook and twitter. Among such social site was hi-5, Bebo, Netlog, among others.
Gbovu, what’s the purpose of a social media site? The clue is in the name: a big part of every social media is the social aspect. Along with socialising with your existing friends, it’s nice to be able to meet new people during the friendly crossfire of a free-ranging discussion.
Gbovuga, it is sometimes difficult to move from one brand to the other even though the other might be better of comparing, but, as human satisfaction is always key especially when it involves family and friends circles.
Gbovu, my point is many social media followers in Ghana for example are addicted to facebook and twitter. They have their family and friends on the site so it would not be easy to convince all your favourite friends and family to join a new social network which basically would offer the same features or products.
I joined Google plus because I wanted to see how the site operates compared to facebook and twitter. Indeed there are several positives with Google plus for example if you have a Google account there is no need of having a new identity, which for me, makes it simple. There is also more character space to explore unlike twitter and facebook which gives limits. Thus, with Google plus you can write more if you talk a lot like me.
Thinking about it Gbovu, can you imagine the chaos that will happen with new sites being launched every now and then. For instance, a radio station that uses let say facebook or twitter would have to add Google plus to access listeners’ feedbacks. Again can you imagine being accused of not replying to comments from on social media to the other?
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